9. Marmaduke’s Magic Show

MMS Full Cover Master with bleed Oct 6th.psdIn the Ninth Kippernickker Adventure, Nicolas, Jonathan, Sarah and Matthew go through the trapdoor hidden in their garden vines and come to a door labeled ‘Abracadabra’. Going through they find themselves in a palace and meet the great Marmaduke, the King’s famous magician. But Marmaduke is upset because his magic is somehow going all wrong and the King is getting annoyed. So the Kippernickker’s set about helping him find out why. Is someone spoiling the tricks? Who are the twins Hocus and Pocus? What is Matthew doing in a secret tunnel? And finally. how do Jonathan’s own thought-reading cards put everything right and recover the King’s treasure!

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Marmaduke’s Magic Show

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